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Thai Yoga Body Therapy

A Science Based Description


Thai Yoga Body Therapy traces its origins to the massage and
medicinal practices said to have been used by Shivago Komarpaj
(ชีวกโกมารภัจจ์ Jīvaka Komarabhācca) the Buddha's physician, over 2,500 years ago.


Thai Yoga Body Therapy is more complex than this legend would
suggest.  This body therapy modality is influenced by Indian, Chinese and Southeast Asian cultural spheres and traditions of medicine.  The art as it is practiced today is a synthesis of various healing traditions from these cultures.


The application of Thai Yoga Body Therapy seeks to use assisted Yoga posturing, traditional massage techniques, and activation of the body’s energy via the Sen lines to dynamically engage, stretch and relax structural muscular tissues. 


In terms of muscle power output and the well established sliding filament theory of muscle contraction, Thai Yoga Body Therapy aids the participant to achieve increased muscle function through assisted  passive stretching.  By passively stretching the muscle, the sarcomere is lengthened. 


The increase in muscle flexibility and resulting lengthening of muscle fibers results in a larger number of exposed Myosin/Actin cross-bridge connections during a specific muscle contraction event.  This increase in exposed Myosin/Actin cross-bridge connections allows for increased contractile activity during concentric muscle contractions with a resulting increase in maximal muscle power output. 


In terms muscle strength and neuromuscular adaptation, the assisted stretching provided by the Thai Yoga Body Therapy aids the participant in establishing neuromuscular pathway activation to an increased number of muscle fibers through the stretching and holding of assisted Yoga posturing.  

Neuromuscular pathway development is the starting point for muscle tissue activation and strengthening but also continues to develop and can be inhibited as muscle size (or hypertrophy) increases and muscle fiber is not maintained flexible through full range of motion.


Relax, Restore, and Rejuvenate!



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Helen B Ouimette

Discovering our life's purpose through yoga!


Discovering the path we were meant to walk as a soul is the greatest gift we can give and the highest service we can offer.


When we are not doing what we are supposed to, life can feel meaningless. When our existence feels empty, it can be difficult to thrive physically and emotionally over time. We choose behaviors that can lead to either a positive or negative path, and someone lacking a sense of purpose may have a tough time finding the self-motivation to make healthy choices and decisions regarding diet and exercise.


I found my life’s purpose through yoga. In time and with patience, yoga clarifies all questions involving our awareness or inner wisdom. All is with us!


Cloudiness in our minds prevents us from hearing that inner voice; however, yoga brings together physical and metal disciplines to bring peace in our body and mind, helping us to relax and manage stress. Likewise, it is uplifting and allows us to live in the present moment while reaching towards the beauty and the transformations that lie ahead. The body is a temple with which we experience life’s journey—its health is primary.


Having a strong foundation is the base of our daily life activities; yoga is a continuous and endless journey.


With patience and careful observations of who we are and how we relate to the world, we can become aware of our purpose in life. Let our inner light shine through yoga!


From my heart to yours,


Be Well!

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